Episode 29: 2021 Unravelled
In this final episode of the year, we look back at our goals and plans for 2021, and chat about whether we achieved them - or not! And if we didn't, do we know why? And do we like having plans anyway? Or do we prefer to set a rough intention for the year, and stay flexible?
We also talk a little about what 2022 might look like, what's actually important to us, and how we're going to attempt to keep ourselves on track in the new year.
Mentioned in this episode:
Word of the year
Whole Year Calendar https://www.year-planner-calendar.co.uk/2021-year-planner-wall-diary-calendar-public-holiday-chart-free.htm
and also http://www.pdfcalendar.com/
Bullet Journal
Dingbats notebooks
Moleskine notebooks
The music is Dear Autumn by Ikson and you can find it at https://soundcloud.com/ikson.